Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Translation in the jar

The next logical step in the Geeklog adventure was to pack submitted translations. They would not be of much use in a database would they?
So I spend the past days working on a script to pack everything up.

Geeklog has it's standard for language files, this I had to 'copy' into the new files. I also had to re-assemble the phrases with their HTML tags and PHP variables, and finally make sure that the variables are submitted as exactly that a variable, not the calculated value of it.

Quote type

First of all, Geeklog s strings vary between single (') and double (") quoted. What I needed to do in order to have the string back as they were was to get which quote type is used on which translation. As I anyhow had to get the names of all the arrays (LANG01,LANG03,.... $MESSAGE,...) and that implies traversing the language line by line I included the quote type finding into this code. It all looks as bellow.

The next part was using the retrieved language array names to get their actual values, the values are (in Geeklog ) stored in the $GLOBALS variable, so I made use of that. This seamed like the best possible approach to my problem.

After this is preformed the translation as actually packed in the system's language folder.The function print_array will do a lot of string manipulation in order to create the file output. It will place the quotes, replace variable values with their names and retrieve translations from the database. Any non existent translation will simply be replaced by it's English counterpart.

Of course it was not as simple as it seems here, there were quite a few tricks in the packing process, one of the first I noticed was that I got the string "Don\' t have..."(this is fixed now). There were no life changing problems or solutions but it was challenging enough to keep me busy.

59 => "Don't have an account yet?  Sign up as a <a href=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=new\" rel=\"nofollow\">New User</a>",
